Published on August 29, 2014 By navaljayhawk In WindowBlinds

Windowblinds 8.06 does not skin completly with Firefox 32 Rc1 or Firefox Aurora 33.

on Aug 29, 2014

Windowblinds 8.06 does not skin completly with Firefox 32 Rc1 or Firefox Aurora 33.
Sigh. -We all should face by now that Windowblinds can't be optimized for every browser update that's ever going to be released.

EXCLUDE it from being skinned in settings, Problem solved. 

on Sep 02, 2014

Sadly excluding looked even worse, at least for me. I'm using the "Tabs on Bottom" extension and everything skins fine... well, if you can live with the tabs a bit lower. I'm not totally happy with this, but it works.